Protector Of The Grab a Pig Card Game Gang
Conrad the Collie is very much the protector of the Grab a Pig card game gang. Conrad is calm, collected and very intelligent.
Nothing frightens Conrad and he is always there ready to help his friends if they need him. He is always walking around to check that his friends are all OK. Shelley would quite literally be lost without Conrad, as she never quite knows where she is.
Conrad loves to have fun and loves to run; he is very fast and likes chasing round with his friend Hortensia. Conrad can often be seen rounding up all the gang to play Grab a Pig.
Conrad the Collie Speaks About Himself and Grab a Pig
Hi there card game players, I am Conrad the Collie. When I am not working around the farm the thing I like most is playing Grab a Pig with my friends; however I also like to lie down in my kennel and rest after a long night. Usually you will find me hanging around the farm keeping an eye on things and keeping all my friends from getting into trouble.
My time around the farm is often spent with Shelley. She is so dizzy I have to chase around after her to show her where to go, and where everything is. Shelley likes to daydream, and wanders off, I usually have to go looking for her.
On a warm summers night I like to lie with my friends in the paddock. This is where Portia, Cordelia, Hortensia, Henrietta, Douglas, Shelley and I usually play the Grab a Pig card game (unless it is raining, in which case we play in the barn).
Normally I like to sleep in my kennel, but sometimes I will stay in the barn or paddock, it all depends on whether I want to sleep under the stars, or keep out of the rain.